Sunday, December 5, 2021


The evening wound up with a group singing of Christmas carols.
Songwriters Gather and Make a Little Night Music

The Princess and I found our way to the top of Windy Gap Mountain last night for a meeting of the Southwest Virginia Songwriters Association, a group that writes and performs music, mostly as an avocation.

Retired lawyers Judy and Larry Helms were hosts and we all chipped in with food and most contributed music, some of it written especially for the occasion. These are some talented, bright, funny people and I was simply tickled to be part of the crowd (of about 30 people).

Here's a photographic look at what we found (and thoroughly enjoyed).

David Simpkins belts one out with the help of Celie Holmes and Greg Trafidlo. Intrepid photographer at work (right).

Princess and her buddy, Dick. 

Judith and Larry Helms, our lovely hosts.

Greg Trafidlo with SVSA President Mollye Otis. 

David with the Princess. They chatted long and hard.

The tables were full and stocked.

Greg makes a presentation.

Mike DeGiorgi and Celie Holmes team up on a song. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this write-up Dan. It was good to meet you!
    Bob Schmucker


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