Monday, October 4, 2021

My First Novel and Its Shadow: The Essay

I've been reading a novel I like a lot, The Essay by Appalachian writer Robin Yocum, which was released in 2012. It is about a high school boy living in dire poverty in Appalachia who finds his way out at least partly because of football and writing.

The plot is so similar to my own first novel, CLOG!, written in 2013 that I thought maybe Mr. Yocum had read my book before he wrote The Essay. Not so, as you can see the release dates. But the similarities are eerie. The name of the newspaper in the town where the plot takes place is the Vinton County Messenger. I used to edit the Vinton Messenger. The protagonist's football coach and English teachers are out to save him because of his writing "gift".

The boys' families have fallen apart, for very different reasons, but they dissolved, in any case. And there is a lot more, seemingly on every page. My book is a bit more romantic, his more involved with the actual writing of the essays. 

Even if I felt that Mr. Yocum had plagiarized NEWS! I wouldn't be pissed. I'd be flattered. He is a fine writer and I admire his book. I'm glad I found it. I'm halfway through and enjoying every word.

You can find The Essay here:

CLOG! is here: (Right now, mine's free on Kindle Unlimited.)

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