A Few Modest Goals for 2025
I have been listing my goals for the coming year for some time now with varying degrees of success--however that is measured.
I am at an age now (78) where I have either met or given up on some of the goals, but the bucket list is not quite out of aspirations. Mostly, what is left is a look at the modest legacy I will leave my family and friends, one where I have come a long way, but remain deeply flawed.
The following list includes much of what remains important to me.1. I won't put this one out of reach by saying I can eliminate it, but my language--especially the bluer parts of it--desperately needs improvement. I use vulgarity as an exclamation point or as a casual reference. I think some words need to be used on a selective basis to emphasize a point, but I look at the TV western series "Tombstone" for guidance in how not to talk. In its run, the word "fuck" and its derivatives were uttered or shouted more than 2,000 times. That's too much. Twice would likely have served the proper purpose. That's my goal for 2025: tone it down.
2. Do at least one small, medium or large act of kindness and/or consideration every day, even something as small as noticing a new hairdo or a kind act by someone that might have gone unnoticed. Congratulate a person on an accomplishment, however small. A kind word is never wasted.
3. Continue to understand that diet and exercise are basics in a healthy body and mind. Exercise daily and prepare meals for myself and others from scratch with fresh, healthy foods, bought locally when possible.
4. Continue to oppose Donald Trump and his supporters when possible, regardless of how difficult or dangerous it may be. Support those representatives who not only oppose the Trump faction, but who also present better ideas for our country. Listen to what the opposition says it believes and try to understand why that system of belief is held. Do what I can to make my point without resorting to name-calling or the suggestion that those on the right are stupid.
5. Recognize what I can do all by myself to affect environmental degradation and change any bad habits I might still have in that arena. I can't do your work or your friend's work or some politician's work, but I can certainly do mine.
6. Continue working as a journalist, despite being far past retirement age. I love what I do and what I have done professionally for more than 60 years and I hope that continues.
7. Hold and express the view that I feel deep gratitude for being able to accomplish what I have accomplished despite the barriers I faced (poverty, alcoholism, attention deficit disorder, lack of formal education, splintered family, among them).
8. Be realistic about how much time I have left and have my affairs properly in order when I go--perhaps at a time of my choosing. I do not ever want to be a burden on my children or my family.
9. Tell those I love that I love them. And say it out loud and in the presence of others when possible.
10. Continue to play pickleball, to take water exercise classes and to get better at both. Especially pickleball. Dang it, I love the game.
I hope you will compile your list and a year from today, you will refer back to it to see how you did.